Cookie policy

Here, you are not tracked in any way; your presence is entirely anonymous

We use only one technical cookie, which informs us of your preferred language for viewing the site's content (i18n_redirected). This cookie is not in any way traceable back to your person.

Feel free to browse, we will only have your information if you choose to write to us, call us or drop by. We look forward to hearing from you soon

So, are you completely giving up on data analysis?

Of course not!!

We like to measure our results, and without doing so, we wouldn't be able to improve them. However, we don't use cookies to achieve that.

To collect navigation data, we use Umami, an open-source web analytics service that prioritizes privacy by not using cookies and recording visits to our site without collecting or cross-referencing personal data.

There are other options on the market, but if you want to learn more about our choice, you can view the data we collect on our dashboard or visit the Umami website.